Math Bteup 1st Semester Question Paper Most Important Paper Qestion

                                                      APPLIED MATHEMATICS – I  

(1)          (हिन्दी अनुवाद)

(2)          सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

(3)          प्र.1) किन्हीं दस भागों को हल करो। निम्नलिखित में भाग अ से ये तक सही विकल्प चुनिये ।                                   

अ) श्रेणी 4 + 8 + 12 + ....... के दस पदो का योग होगा। |                           i) 110                                              ii)220

           iii) 330                                   iv) कोई नही ब)

यदि f (x) = tanx तो f (60°) का मान होगा ।

i) √3                                             ii)1/√3

         (iii) ∞                                            (iv)  1

 स) यदि a=2i+3j+k तब ३ होगा।

(i)  √12                       (ii)√14

(iii) √11                           (iv) कोई नही

 द) a= sin^2a + cos^2a. का मान होगा ।

(i) 0                                     (ii)1            

ii) -1                              (iv) कोई नही

(य) d^2y/dx^2    का मान होगा ।

(i) 1/x                                  (ii) 1/x^2

(iii)  -1/x^2                             v) कोई नही

 y = log x

          र) हल करो 

ल)     lim x→3  x^2/x-3 की मान ज्ञात करो।

ळ)    x log x का अवकल गुणांक ज्ञात करो।

(त) -1 +i को ध्रुवीय रूप में बदलो ।

थ) दीर्घवृत्त =1 के बिन्दु (1, 2) पर स्पर्श रेखा का समीकरण ज्ञात करो ।                        

 द) यदि a=i+j-2k और b =3i+2j-k तो a.b का मान ज्ञात करो।

ध)यदि y = x + 3^2 - 7x +9 तो d^3y/dx^3  का मान ज्ञात करो।

) किन्हीं पाँच भागों को हल कीजिये ।

 | श्रेणी 1, √3, 3, ...... का कौन सा पद 81 होगा?

ब) श्रेणी 101 + 99 + 97+...... + 47 का योगफल ज्ञात करो।

          (स) (2+3i)^2/5-i को a+ib रूप में बदलो ।

द) अवकल गुणांक ज्ञात करो cos(tanx^2 ) ∆ABC में सिद्ध करो। a(bcosC - ccosB) = (b^2 – c^2)

     र) यदि y=√sinx+ √sin x+√sinx+....∞ तो सिद्ध करो     dy/dx= cosx/2y-1

ल) सिद्ध करो (1+i)^4 (1+1/i)^4=16.

 प्र.3) किन्हीं दो भागों को हल कीजिये।

(2x^4-1/3x^7) के प्रसार में x से स्वतन्त्र पद ज्ञात करो ।

 ब) डिमाँयवर प्रमेय से x^3 – 1 = 0 को हल करो ।

 स) यदि a=3i+j+2k और b=2i-2j+4k तो सिद्ध करो उनके बीच का कोण है।

 ɵ=sin-1 (2/√7)

प्र.4) किन्हीं दो भागों को हल कीजिये ।

अ) क्रेमर नियम से निम्न समीकरण हल करो 6x + y – 3z = 5,  x + 3y -2z = 5 तथा 2x + y + 4z = 8.

 ब) प्रथम सिद्धान्त से √tanx का अवकल गुणांक ज्ञात करो ।

 स) यदि = acos(log x) + bsin(log x) तो सिद्ध करो

प्र.5) निम्नलिखित में दो भाग हल करो ।।

यदि  x+cos x/tanx का अवकल गुणांक ज्ञात करो /

ब) यदि a,b,c तीन सदिश इस प्रकार है a+b+c=0 सिद्ध करो कि axb =bxc=cxa .

वक्र  x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2 बिन्दु (x,,) पर अभिलम्ब का समीकरण ज्ञात करो                                                                                                  APPLIED MATHEMATICS – I                  [Maximum Marks : 50 

 Time : 2.30 Hours]                                                                           Minimum Marks : 17

 (i) Attempt all questions.

(ii) (Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question paper in both versions. If there is any difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students should answer the question according to the English version.

( ii) Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.

(1) Answer any ten parts of the following from parts a to e select the correct choice in the following.                                                                                                                                                   (a) The sum of 10 terms of the series 4 + 8 + 12 +……..

 i) 110                                                    ( ii) 220

( iii) 330                                                (iv) None

b) If f(x) = tan x then the value off (60°) is

  (i) √3                                                     ( ii)1 ∕√3

(i i i) ∞                                            (iv) 1  

 c) If ā= 2î +3j+k  then lāl is

i) 112                                                (i i) √14

(i i i) √11                                            (iv) None

( d) The value of sin^2a + cos^2 a  is

 (i)  0                                      (ii)  1                                             
 iii) -1                                    iv) None

(e) The Value of d^2y/dx^2

(i) 1/x                                     (ii)1/x^2            

ii) -1/x^2                              (iv) None

(f) Evaluated |1 2 3|

| 4 5 6 |

| 7 8 9 |.

(g) Evaluate lim x^2-9/x-3


h) Find the differential cofficient of xlogx.

(i)  Change into Polar form -1 + i.

(j)Find the equation of tangent to ellipse x^2/9+y^2/4=1 at point (1, 2).

(k)If ā=î+ j-2k and b =3ỉ+2 j-k then find the value of ā.b.

l) If y= x^3+3x^2- 7x+9 then find d^3y/dx^3

Q2) Answer any five parts of the following;

a) Which term of series 1, √3 , 3 ,.......is 81?

b) Find the of term series 101 + 99+97+ ........+47 .

c) (2+31)2/ 5-i   change into a + ib form.

(d) Find the differential coefficient of cos(tan x^2)

(e) Prove that in ∆ABC

 a(bcosC - ccosB) = (b^2 – c^2)

f) If y=√sin x+√sin x+√sin x+ ... then prove that dy/dx=cosx/ 2y-1

(g) Prove that (1+i)^4. (1+1/i)^4 =16.

Q3)Answer any two parts of the following:

  a)Find the independent term from x in the expansion of (2x^4-1/3x^4)^11

b) Solve the equation x^3 - 1 = 0 using Demoivres theorem.

c)Show that the angle between vectors ā=3i+j+2k and b=2i-2j+4k is ɵ=sin-1 (2/√7

(Q4) Answer any two parts of the following:

(a)  Solve the equations using Cramer s rule 6x + y - 3z=5, x+3y-2z=5and 2x + y + 4z = 8.

 b) Find the differential coefficient of  √ tanx  from the first principle.

c)If y = acos(log x) + bsin(log x) then prove that   x^2 d^2y/dx^2+x dy/dx+y=0.

.Q5) Answer any two parts of the following:

a)      x+cos x Find the differential coefficient x+cosx/tanx

b) "If vectors ā, b, c are such that ā+b+c=0 prove that āxb=bxc=čxā.

c) Find the equation of Normal to the curve as x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1  at (x1, y1).



(f)  Evaluate     

 (g) Evaluate   l  x^(h) Find the differential coefficient o

 ( 1)   If y = x^3 +  + 9 then find ^3[ Answer any five part


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